
The Vancouver Island Placer Miner’s Association (VIPMA) was founded July 16, 1997 with 12 members, Bruce Chaytor was president and remained so until 2018. VIPMA averages around 100 members with some members actively mining tenures issued under Notices of Work obtained through Ministry of Mines. Other members keep busy enjoying the claims maintained by the Association making Placer Mining available to it’s mining membership on a recreational basis.

A FMC (Free Miner’s License) was originally issued by the Indian Agent/Gold Commissioner. This small piece of paper opened a route for any man to be able to go out with a pan and a shovel and earn a living. Anyone who holds an FMC has a right, and this piece of legislation should never die.

Few people realize without Placer Mining, this part of Canada could easily be part of the United States.

Leechtown Part 1 – Author Bart van den Berk© www.leechtownhistory.ca 
(First Reader) Donna Chaytor recommends reading this book to gain a complete understanding of how Victoria was put on the map, what led to Vancouver Island and its relationship to British Columbia resulting in British Columbia becoming a part of Canada. Placer Mining brought viable communities on the island wealth with the discovery of gold and led to the blazing of trails through some of the roughest of lands and building economies that are today still flourishing all on the tailings of the Placer Miner.



The Club Claims of VIPMA were the original claims held by Don Razzo and his partner Deloris. 

The beginning of this series is dedicated to Don and Deloris, these few photos are what we have taken on Martin’s Gulch – where both pulled out some very fine nuggets.

“Panning Demonstration” at Luxton – Cal Web:Bruce Chaytor:Don Razzo
Photo (1) Don’s Samples of what our claim produced – 1978 

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